LNP to open up land for development.

The Premier said the Government had set a new direction for the ULDA, which was being merged into Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney’s Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning.

Under the previous government, the ULDA’s activity was focussed on delivering housing at the low end of the market and was limited to small releases at a time,”  Mr Newman said.  ??“This will be totally turned around, where appropriate. Land held in Urban Development Areas by the ULDA will be released to the market for housing development.”

“The Government will work with the private sector to meet land supply demand in some communities to ease the rental pressures currently being faced.”

What Mr Newman is really saying is he will be selling off state land assets to his developer mates so they can all make more bucks, oh and now that LNP have neutered the rules around ministers owning shares the LNP cabinet will also make more bucks too…

Oh and of course this land is all located in the mining towns etc to maximise profit, won’t see this land sold off cheap by the developers in fact they make it quite clear in the release it’s not for the low end of the market.

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